Dolphins & Whales Sightings


Books & Reference

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A comprehensive guide to the marine species of whales and dolphins of the world.

The Dolphins and Whales World Sightings Guide is a comprehensive guide to the marine species of whales and dolphins of the world as well as where and when to enjoy whale watching at the worlds whale hot-spots.84 species are featured, split into two suborders: Mysticeti (Baleen Whales) and Odonticeti (Toothed Whales and Dolphins).Compiled by Jamie Watts and Pamela Le Noury, the guide is a fantastic tool for marine enthusiasts and keen whale watchers to learn more about the animals, and help identify species.FEATURES:- Hi-res artwork images and detailed text descriptions for the 84 species.- Photos included for many species.- "Compare" allows you to compare two species on the same screen.- A personal list that stores your sightings saved to the device that can then be exported through email.- View the Species Index by Common or Scientific names.- Enter your location to see what species are in that hotspot.